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Blog de bfedor

08 de Junio, 2010 · General

Elton John performs at Rush Limbaugh's wedding for $1m reports that many new jobs out there wedding gift are temporary or contract positions instead of traditional full-time jobs with benefits. And employers can afford wedding gift to do this... wedding gift because with unemployment at nearly wedding gift 10 percent... there are people lined up willing to take any kind of work they can find. It's estimated that in the next 10 years more than 40 percent of jobs could be such temporary positions; wedding gift and that within the next few wedding gift decades, full-time employees might wedding gift become the minority of workers in this country. wedding gift That wedding gift means most workers won't have benefits like health care, paid vacation wedding gift and retirement plans - all things many of wedding gift us have taken for granted for years and years. Some temporary workers wedding gift suggest that employers are taking advantage of the weak labor market... and make them feel like 2nd class citizens... we'll wedding gift find out just how wedding gift weak wedding gift that labor market wedding gift is with a big jobs report due out wedding gift Friday. But the fact of the matter is that major changes in demographics also make it easier for employers to wedding gift rely on temporary workers or independent contractors. wedding gift For example, lots of younger people are okay with the idea of wedding gift not being tied wedding gift to one employer. Also, with wedding gift baby boomers becoming eligible wedding gift for Medicare... wedding gift they don't need to depend on their employer for health care. Finally, it's worth pointing out that President Obama's health care plan will wedding gift require employers wedding gift to provide health benefits for employees - but not for contractors. That translates to huge savings for employers who hire fewer full-time workers. Here’s my question to wedding gift you: How do you define "job" wedding gift in 2010? FROM CNN's wedding gift Jack Cafferty: Kevin in Florida writes: J.O.B. wedding gift = Just wedding gift Over Broke. With unemployment rising and an administration doing wedding gift nothing about it, I see most of us begging in welfare lines. It's time the working and middle class make yet another big American stand and send all of these wedding gift wedding gift wedding gift people packing in Nov. before it's too wedding gift late! Michael in New wedding gift Mexico writes: What you described as the current situation is what I have wedding gift been living with wedding gift since 1976 when I first entered the workforce. wedding gift I worked in kitchens for 30 years. I had no benefits. wedding gift I had no regular schedule. I had no livable wage. I wedding gift had jobs, too many to remember, that used me up and threw me out. Currently I am a security guard. Same deal wedding gift as before. Jayne writes: A job is that wedding gift place you used wedding gift to go to at wedding gift wedding gift 8 o'clock in the morning and stay until 5, 5 wedding gift days wedding gift a week, 50 weeks a year. Now it's that place wedding gift far, far away where the Chinese worker – possibly a child – works at wedding gift wedding gift your wedding gift job for 18 hours a day, wedding gift 7 days a wedding gift week, for a small percentage of your wedding gift former salary and wedding gift without benefits. The wealthy CEO, by the way, still has his job and probably got a 6 figure bonus for outsourcing yours. T.S. writes: Is wedding gift this not a good trend? wedding gift Did anyone believe we would go from posting job losses to job gains without wedding gift a wedding gift period where we had to wedding gift adjust? Give me a break. Will it go back wedding gift to exactly how it was? Probably wedding gift not, but as always we will adjust. Kay in Camarillo, California wedding gift writes: Jack, Any work that wedding gift wedding gift pays a person's bills and keeps them out of bankruptcy! P.S. – Those employers who claim that an "employee" is really wedding gift wedding gift an "independent contractor" should count on a visit from the IRS. Falsely classifying an employee wedding gift as a contractor carries hefty penalties. Mark in Houston writes: Jack, wedding gift When used wedding gift as wedding gift a wedding gift transitive verb, it's exactly what Congress and its related cronies have done to this country. Scott in Ft. Bragg, North Carolina writes: Jack, The answer is simple. Ozzie and Harriet don't live here anymore. Neither does wedding gift their culture. wedding gift
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